Our Vision:
Children’s Equity Zones
To spark a world-class cultural renaissance and neighborhood revitalization movement — that establishes the world’s most comprehensive Children’s Equity Zones.

10 Year Gala
10 Year Gala ⋆
Our Mission
We reimagine and redevelop underutilized spaces for the purposes of education, culture, health, and peace — so that zip codes do not define the success of children, youth, and families.
The Way of Life
"Where Common Thought Meets Uncommon Action"
Declaration of Children’s Rights
The Conscious Connect, Inc.’s Declaration of Children’s Rights focuses on four programmatic areas: education, culture, health, and peace. Each tenant of rights contains multiple objectives - that if achieved would assist the Conscious Connect, Inc. in establishing the preeminent children’s opportunity zones in the world. The Declaration serves as the foundation to address issues of opportunity and equity for children and families that are “at-promise” to close outcomes and achievement gaps.